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New 2024 Toyota and Lexus Models Added to the ID Code Box Reset and Adaptation License

New! 2024 Toyota and Lexus Models Added to the ID-Code Box Reset and Adaptation License!

We are happy to inform you that 2024 Toyota and Lexus models are now in the list of supported vehicles for the ID-Code Box Reset and Adaptation license (TN017)!
This is a step forward in working with these vehicles, which allows for easier, faster and more cost-effective repair of damaged ID-Code Box, Smart System replacement and ECU replacement. Since the ID-Code Box needs to be synchronized to these modules in case any of them is replaced, this license is a super convenient way to get the job done!

Why get the license?

It an easy and effortless way to reset the ID box of the car without the need to remove the module from it! The dismantling of this module from the vehicle to reset it is a complex and time-consuming operation. The ID-Code Box Reset and Adaptation license (TN017) saves you time, effort, and money by allowing you to reset the module via LIN-Bus connection. Not only that, using the TN017, you can adapt a new or used (and reset) ID box module to the Smart System and ECU. Or adapt the existing one in the car, in case any of the other two modules has been replaced! The ID Code box must be paired with the Smart System and the ECU when either is replaced. Or when keys are being added, the ID box might have to be synced with the Smart System in case there is an issue with the remote control.

Use cases:

Cases in which the ID-Code Box Reset and Adaptation license will be of great use to you:

  • The vehicle’s ID-Code Box is non-functioning and needs to be replaced;
  • The ID-Code Box is replaced and needs to be adapted to the Smart System and ECU;
  • The Smart System, ECU or the hybrid ECU have been replaced, and the ID-Code Box needs to be paired to them;
  • ID-Code Box synchronization to the Smart System may be needed after programming additional keys only when the remote control is inoperable.

What equipment is needed?

As usual, we offer you the complete solution for this procedure within the ABRITES ecosystem. Here is all the equipment you need:

  • ABRITES Vehicle Diagnostic Interface (AVDI)
  • Direct CAN-BUS/LIN-BUS Connection Cable Set (CB012)
  • Extension Cable for Direct Connecting to Toyota/Lexus Smart System with B9/BA (CB031)

Active Annual Maintenance Subscription (AMS), and or course, the TN017 license are a must. Watch the video on how it’s done below!

