


Ever since I can remember we have had the ability to reprogram VAG modules. It appears that I have been taking this function for granted because at least 20 people I spoke to during the Automechanika Frankfurt this year didn’t even know about it. With the massive reimagining of this functionality which will be available with the upcoming version 35.0 of the Abrites diagnostics for VAG online I thought it was a good time to discuss all the abilities for flashing, or reprogramming of the modules in Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Cupra, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti and some Porsche cars. This is part of our base AVDI package so effectively everyone with an active AMS subscription can use the new version of the Software updater. Quick disclaimer, though – the old version in the Abrites diagnostics for VAG offline is available for everyone, has ever been and will be as is, just in case you fancy this one better. Housekeeping out of the way. Let’s get started.

I.    What are. SGO and .FRF files?

In theory .SGO files work with KWP2000 cars and. FRF work with UDS cars. I believe that to be true.
-    These file extensions refer to SMGL Object File and a PerFORM Compressed Database file. These are specific VAG designations which in both cases define partial or complete flash files. The flash, in most current vehicle modules is the part of the software installed in the modules which is responsible for how a certain module operates. If it is an Engine Control Unit flash – it is responsible for timing, ignition, fueling, boost, cooling, air intake and more. If it is a Transmission Control Unit – it is responsible for shifting points, service and limp modes, temperature management, clutch kissing points, torque convertor speed, etc. The two modules above are just a small part of the modules which need a flash file to operate correctly – dashboards, multimedia, amplifiers, ABS, basically every module with at least some sort of calculation performed inside it requires a flash and here is how we can help.

II.    In the Abrites Diagnostics for VAG offline you would go to the module from the diagnostic menu, drill inside it and you would see “SW UPDATE”.

In the beginning when this was done, it was so obscure that you could not really understand what it did. Also, you had to have your own database (downloaded from somewhere) from which you could choose the file you want to program to the module.

III.    In the Abrites Diagnostics for VAG Online

Here it was much more user friendly – you still had to have a database and choose a file, but we were now able to perform the reprogramming much safer and quicker.

IV.    So, what is new in version 35.0 of the Abrites diagnostics for VAG Online?

Apart from the improved performance we now add the ability to search by part number, we already have the files ready for you and you can search inside them. If you have an update which your customer needs, you can search and perform it. For example, if there is an obligatory update you can perform that for your customer. If the car needs to be restored after a fault in the flash or a failed tuning attempt. Even in the cases where the customer has their own. SGO or .FRF file and they ask you to restore it. We also provide files from the software directly and our database is also updated regularly.

The thing with “tuned” files is that sometimes the “tuner” puts their own signature on them, most other tools with this capability will simply deny reprogramming to the car. We, on the other hand, can help you with that.
