We live in strange times, times when even the most robust of vehicles like Toyota cause issues to their owners. There was a saying in Australia that you can go into the bush with a Land Rover but you were coming out in a Land Cruiser. In the past few years I found myself obsessing over Land Cruisers and a few other Toyotas, for instance, it is my firm belief that the AE86 is the ultimate driving machine – I drove one a few years ago and I am still shaking when watching “Pluspy”
The fact of the matter is that Toyota now is not Toyota of old. Just look at the MK V Supra…
Technology breaks, we sometimes need to replace modules and dashboards are one of those things we sometimes need to replace. When we replace a Toyota dashboard we need to set the correct value in it, right? Well – once again we are ahead of the curve when doing that. Most current Toyota vehicles come with S6J3 type dashboards. There are three known types but today we will focus on two of them. So How To Do It?
I. Unlocked S6J3:
These are dashboards supported by OBD. You connect to the car by OBD using the Abrites Diagnostics for Toyota online, you wait for the scan of the modules to finish, and then you select dash calibration. After you select that you read the value, input the new value and you write – simple as that. You can also read the value, replace the dashboard and using the “Restore” function write the original value from the original dashboard. That is the case when you still have communication with the broken module.
II. Locked S6J3:
Here there is a bit more work to be done – because the dashboard is locked you have to find an alternative way of communication with it. The method we have found easiest is to go through the smart system. For this purpose, we have a cable to communicate from the All Keys Lost times – the CB031 cable - this cable allows us to communicate by connecting between the smart system and the car. We go in behind the glove compartment just like we would in an all keys lost situation – in the case of cluster calibration, however, we do not use the green cable, only red and blue – these are our Internal CANs. We then connect the CB012 - again - these are existing cables and we have repurposed them to be useful in other situations so that we do not force you to buy multiple separate cables. We connect the CB012 between the AVDI and OBD and we continue forward.
III. How to tell which is locked and which is unlocked?
- It could not be easier – this is not something we think you should worry about. When you start the procedure the software will try by OBD first, if it is unlocked the procedure will go through immediately, if not it will tell you to use internal CAN communication. You do not need to stop the procedure and restart it, you can do the connection at the smart system on the fly, the software will indefinitely attempt to communicate and once you have wired everything up the procedure will simply continue.
IV. What problems should I expect?
- The only problem you can expect to see is that once you start the procedure some dashboards will take longer to respond. Then the Abrites Diagnostics for Toyota will show you a message saying that the procedure must be repeated an will give you 5 simple steps to take.
V. What failsafes are in place?
- We have a backup on your computer for you to repeat the process if necessary – the backup files are named using the date, time and value of the dashboard so that it is easier for you to restore the correct odometer value to the vehicle.
We have done everything we can to make your life easier when working on S6J3 dashboards (locked or unlocked) and not only that – you are now exclusive, because nobody else has this. All you need to do is follow the pre- order link and enjoy your new TN019 license: HERE.
Supported vehicles: ALL Toyota and Lexus vehicles whose dashboards are equipped with S6J3 microcontrollers, such as:
- Toyota Camry 2018+
- Toyota Corolla 2019+
- Toyota RAV4 2019+
- Toyota Yaris 2018+
- Lexus LS
Required hardware and software for the procedure:
- ABRITES Vehicle Diagnostics Interface (AVDI)
- Direct CAN-BUS/LIN-BUS Connection Cable Set (CB012)
- Еxtension Cable for Direct Connecting to Toyota/Lexus Smart System with B9/BA (CB031)
- Active Annual Maintenance Subscription (AMS)
Toyota may be changing but you can still rely on Abrites to have your back with exclusive solutions just for you, not only that but as you well know by now – we aim to deliver simplistic solutions and fast ones. We know that your time is your most valuable commodity, and we cherish it. We know you will make quick work of the TN019 and we will talk about the third modern Toyota dashboard in a few weeks.
Until then – try to have fun while working,