You know, software development is one of the most surprising lines of work someone can find themselves in. It is a constantly flowing river and you can never touch the same water twice. A couple of hours ago we were informed by our developers that a new breakthrough has been made when working with DAS4 cars. So what’s new?
I would like to kick off with the simplest of tasks and the MN033 license update – in the past we needed to connect to the internal CANBUS behind the dashboard in order to communicate to a defective ESL. This meant that we had to keep our customers waiting for this and now we are ready to say that the cars are supported by OBD, but not just that – we have added new supported model of ESL/ ELVs such. One great example of the newly added modules are the ones for Aston- Martin cars. As you may know Aston use the 4-liter twin turbo engine and DCT from Mercedes for some of their cars. This, of course, means that they come with Mercedes modules. One such module is the ESL and we now support them for reset and emergency start. It goes without saying, but I will say it anyway – INSPECT the ESL before renewing it and ALWAYS take the car back to your workshop to make sure the ESL is 100% operational. This is only used for emergency situations where a car is stuck with a “no-start” issue.
Other major updates come when speaking about the MN032 license. If you have that one here is what else you can achieve with the new update:
- Ability to personalize modules using previously created backup.
This functionality allows you to use a previously read file (Dflash/ EEPROM) from a working module to personalize a replacement module. In this situation you can create a backup from your customer’s vehicle when it comes in so that you can use it in the future. If you have a regular customer, you can be prepared to assist them whenever they need you by reading the module backup ahead of time. If you have read the car’s data and you decide to store it you can basically do a backup on a new or used module.
-AMG GT transmission dual clutch controllers (GT-DCT) have also been added for reading and writing of personalization data directly by OBDII. This brilliant solution may be super valuable if one of those DCTs in an AMG GT 2 door gives out. Fun fact, I just recently found out that the GT four door comes with a standard and supported 9 speed transmission.
-FBS4 DSM full support for reading FBS4 data, making virgin and personalizing in a car using direct CAN communication added. Another one of those we have been waiting to see from the Abrites development team for Mercedes. The DSM is a module which has loved to break ever since the W221 and we can assist with that right away – starting with this update.
-Reading personalization data, virginization (bringing to true virgin state) and personalization of all known types of DSM modules utilizing direct CAN communication.
-Ability to read all the information related to the adaptation of a TCU directly through the OBDII port for the following modules: VGS4- NAG2, VGS-FDCT, VGSNAG3, 8G FDCT, GT-DCT. Once again – more modules added, more ease of operation and a complete solution to problems you face every day.
You can now personalize brand new transmission controllers without the need to make them virgin. This means that if you buy a new VGS4NAG2 you no longer need to cut the VGS plate open, solder or even make it virgin. You can now personalize the transmission to the car just by direct CAN connection. With the price of new VGS plates being affordable and comparable to used ones this is another great option for seamless integration and replacement of transmission modules without the need to include factory tools. This feature will be available for all MN034 owners with a valid AMS.
MN034 also allows you to use the SET088 in order to make a smaller hole in the VGS plate’s cover in order to make the plate virgin. It is equipped with a stencil and a cutting tool to make a small, round incision in the plate’s cover which will make it much easier to restore safely. We will have a video ready for you next week.
In terms of MN035 – we have a multitude of small improvements there which have a great impact on your experience while working with the tool.
All in all – a great update for anyone who works on MB
Our next update for the FBS4 will be in December. Until then try to have fun at work,