
The power to deliver Abrites Diagnostics for Mercedes Trucks

The power to deliver. Abrites Diagnostics for Mercedes Trucks

Saving the environment is a top priority for all of us here in Europe. There is just one small detail the EU legislators are missing. What will happen to us all when there is no way for our toothpaste to reach the supermarket when the Green New Deal takes all the trucks away? In that case Asia and the Americas will blow us away because there will simply be no economy left. Trucks are the financial backbone of any economy, and you can have as much free movement of people and goods as you want but if you have no trucks there will be nothing to import croissants or steel.


This means that the trucks are here to stay. At this moment, in mid-2024 the MP4 Mercedes Actros is the dominant species on EU roads and highways – relentlessly moving anything from chewing gum to concrete sewage pipes and uranium for nuclear powerplants. The Actros is not the only one, there is the Axor and the Arocs – depending on the needs of the drivers and companies putting those machines to work. Most of these trucks – the road Actros and Axor and the fully offroad Arocs. These three are the muscles of our economy and now we cannot afford to lose them.

Everyone knows that. What we all also know is that absolutely no downtime is affordable in the case of any business using them. They need the power to deliver goods all the time. Night and day. Most trucks have no rest, apart from the obligatory driver rests and load/ offload/ refueling times.

Here lies your business opportunity. As a professional in the field of cars you have a perfect foundation for the move into trucks – the owners cannot have them sitting and we have the perfect tool for you. The Abrites truck solution for all FBS3 Mercedes trucks is the one and only tool you will ever need to upscale your business to the big boys. Check it out. You have the ability to program MCM (Motor Control Module), MCM, MCM2 and MCM2.1 are supported for VIRGINIZING, PERSONALIZING AND ACTIVATING, this means that you can save the coding and FBS data, you can adapt the modules absolutely seamlessly without any trace of interference and you can do it super-fast, the absolute same approach applies to transmission control modules from WABCO and FESTO – you can replace them with ease.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, the interesting thing in a truck of this nature is that you can perform replacements of EZS/EIS, just like the transmission and MCM, it is literally as easy as working with a W211 – absolute joy to work with. With the help of the ZN075 Infra-red adapter you can extract the password and program keys, we also have those available for you – the TA69 is an infra-red key which also comes with a remote control which allows you to program a spare key to the truck with the help of our PROTAG programmer which is fully equipped for truck infra-red keys. Brilliant. Now imagine a scenario where the trucker stops for a rest and loses the key – the load is stopped and there is no moving it. This means that the price of a replacement Abrites key which you can program is much greater than any W211 (if we follow the example comparison from above). You are literally saving a person’s job, not just programming a key to someone with a family saloon. What if that load is more important?

Replacing a faulty module is another situation where you can excel in – not in a car – in a truck. Again – it may be a matter of life and death if it is not, you to save the day.  By the way we also now have a new solution which will be released next week – the Abrites Truck CAN gateway. This absolute powerhouse allows you to connect all the DAS/FBS system modules from a truck on a bench and connect them together in a system – once again – full control over the modules – you can pre-prepare a set for replacement, you can make them virgin to be ready for personalization and you can also work remotely via courier services – you can get a big contract with a local branch of a major transportation company to get modules sent in. The service guys are not interested in software and module adaptation, they want to have the time to make the trucks reliable and safe, you save them time- while they are working on the heavy stuff you prepare the modules. You can also talk to the managers to have a set of additional keys programmed to each truck as a backup in case the keys go wrong. Here is the best package, now at €2,999

This is a whole new business line for you to explore, not a set of tools. You can now deliver to those who deliver and that is the true power in our world!

until next week, try to have fun at work,

