




I mentioned this topic in a few blog posts before, one of the goals for 2024 is to conduct as many training sessions as possible for all Abrites customers. These training sessions range from the base AVDI training, designed for people who have bought the base package and reach all the way up to this. So, what is … THIS? – The MERCEDES FBS4 TRAINING SEMINAR is something based on our desire to provide knowledge to our customers. As we know well, all major manufacturers have put more and more security standards in place that the systems have become so complex to learn and know your way around them so that you can do your job at all.

Quantum Leap is the first of its kind type of training seminar for us. We are going to do it in a two-day format because we want to provide all the participants all the time to offer you all the information we have. We have been working on the topic of FBS4 Mercedes vehicles since 2015 which is almost nine years at this point. We believe we have gathered enough information in these nine years to the point that we can share our information with you in a meaningful way. There is also a second reason for the necessity of the Quantum Leap training seminar – this is the culmination of all the years of research and testing on FBS4 cars – the Abrites Diagnostics for Mercedes DAS4/ FBS4 manager and subsequently FBS4 Personalization Expert functionality we have created.

So, who will be there for you? – Our development team, working with Mercedes DAS4/ FBS4 cars will be there to transmit all the data we have uncovered. The reason we will be conducting the event in two days is to be able to show you the history, structure and theory first and then move on to showing you where these theories are applied in practice. We have cars prepared for direct demonstration.

There is one more thing we need to address – why is this event limited to 30 participants? The reason for this limitation is the fact that we want each of our participants to be able to get the most out of the training seminar – we want you to ask your questions and receive your answers, we want to receive your feedback about encounters with these cars and help you acquire a deep understanding of FBS4 cars in order to empower you to be confident. I know there are people who will say that all you need is to have a button to “DO THIS CAR” and that is correct, in the same way that a butcher would be great at brain surgery because it is just cutting meat. Deep understanding of a subject is the key definition of expertise. Our team will provide you with the same deep understanding during the Quantum Leap seminar. Here is what you will learn from the seminar in extremely short form:

  1. FBS4 system introduction. 
  2. FBS4 personalization methods.
  3. In- depth learning about the modules participating in the FBS4 system: 
  • Ignition control module (EZS/ EIS)
  • Key
  • Engine Control Unit
  • Transmission Control Unit
  • DSM (Drive Selector Module)
  • ESL/ ELV (Electronic Steering Lock)
  •  Electric Drive Motor
  • Hybrid Control Module
  • 48V Starter Generator


  1. Methods and types of bringing FBS4 modules to a “Virgin” state.
  2. Offline personalization of FBS4 modules
  3. Replacing FBS4 modules when the “old” module is still available.
  4. Replacing FBS4 modules when the “old” module is no longer available.
  5. Replacing an Electronic Ignition Switch (EZS) module and overcoming ALL KEYS LOST situations.
  6. Case studies of different situations you will face when working with FBS4 cars of different types.
  7. Test Vehicles:

- C217 (W217) S Class

- W213 E- Class

- W167/ W177 A- Class/ GLE

- W907 Sprinter

11. Pricing

- The price for the whole two-day event will be €2,199 and will include lunch and coffee.

12. Participants

- We will be able to accommodate between 15 and 30 people. The event will be quite limited so if you plan on coming make sure to reserve your spot ahead of time. The whole idea is for every participant to be treated as if they have a personal course with us and that there are no questions left unanswered.

13. Location:

The location we have chosen to conduct the “Quantum leap” training seminar is the Abrites Italy office – it has the capacity to accommodate us all and the vehicles we plan to perform the work and demonstrations to. It is in the beautiful Italian town of Chioggia, just south of Venice and has all the amenities needed for the purpose.


See you there!