We are happy to announce the latest development for VAG vehicles that our team has implemented.
You can now adapt modules in Audi A6/A7/A8 and Volkswagen Touareg vehicles, manufactured between 2010-2017. The procedure will not require the presence of the original module, nor the use of any tokens. The procedure is much easier, swifter and effective.
This functionality allows you to adapt dashboards and infotainment by OBDII in A6/A7/A8/VW Touareg (2010-2017) models, and additional modules, as long as we can read them. Our team will be expanding the list of supported modules for replacement with the development of this functionality.
In order to access these options, you need to acquire the VN017 special function. Please, note that an AVDI, active AMS and VN002 special function are required to purchase this product. Order now via the online shop!