

Only at the European Automotive EXPO this weekend, 3-4 November, 2023, in Chioggia, we will be offering celebratory discounts!
On the occasion of the ABRITES Italy's 6th anniversary, we offer:
- 30 % OFF software licenses
- 30 % OFF exclusive packages

Register now and visit the EAExpo and our birthday for FREE: REGISTER HERE

What to expect at the 3rd edition of the European Automotive EXPO?
In 2023, the EAExpo coincides with ABRITES Italy's 6th anniversary, which is a great time for you to come and see all of it!
New and unmatched ABRITES functionalities await you at the event!
- Fiat 500E key programming - a world-first!
- Land Rover Defender key programming
- ABRITES RH850/V850 Programmer in action!
- Module replacement procedures
- And many more!

All visitors will be able to see the latest ABRITES developments, see live demonstrations, meet the team, speak with the people behind the products and immerse in the ABRITES innovative culture!
Make sure you will be there, only a few days are left!

The EAExpo starts at 09:00 AM on 3rd November, 2023 at the ABRITES Italy office! Be there!