


The EAExpo is coming in October with a new and exciting format for all automotive experts!
The European Automotive Expo was first held in 2021, organised by a group of car specialists and enthusiasts to bring together the most prominent companies in the aftermarket industry and grow together. Every autumn, in Chioggia, Italy, we gather for several days to exchange knowledge and present the latest developments to all visitors.
This year, the EAExpo features a series of workshops and sessions for all who want to know more about how cars work and how to work on cars effectively! Not only will you get a comprehensive learning experience, but you will also enjoy the expo part of the event!

  • 23-25 October - Training sessions and workshops with guest lecturers
  • 26-27 October - EAExpo exhibition

From 23 until 25 October, all who register and purchase a ticket will be able to attend a selection of training courses by the biggest in the field.

Training topics

  • Introduction and ECU/TCU insights
  • Changes in Hexadecimal to the Car ECUs; Radio and Airbag Systems
  • Clarifications on EEPROM Checksum; Conclusions
  • FBS4 Expertise
  • Working with Peugeot, Citroën, Renault and Dacia vehicles
  • ABRITES Solutions for FIAT vehicles

See detailed program on the EAExpo website HERE.

What to expect at the exhibition part in Chioggia?

  • New developments in:

  • Key programming
  • Module renewal and replacement
  • ECU programming
  • Advanced diagnostics

As usual, we will welcome many exhibitors, creating and offering various key programming, diagnostic, module programming and replacement tools and solutions. Full list of exhibitors will be available soon!

How to register and get a ticket?

This year, there are three admission ticket formats, depending on your preferred participation:

  • Free Pass
  • One-Day Pass
  • Full Pass

The Free Pass gets you to attend only the expo part, without the trainings and workshops. With the free pass option you can visit the exhibition from 26 until 27 October.
The One-Day Pass grants you access to one day from the learning sessions of your choosing 23, 24 or 25 October. Please, see the program before deciding on the day and choose wisely.

  • Access to one day of trainings
  • Demonstrations
  • Q&A sessions
  • Networking
  • Discussions and practise
  • Free wi-fi
  • Coffee break and lunch catering
  • Parking near the venue

And ultimately, the Full Pass gets you the complete learning and expo experience on one go! You get to participate in all the workshops and gain all the knowledge our experts and guests have to offer on ECU, TCU, EEPROM, Module renewal and replacement, unique FBS4 work and insights, FIAT solutions, and more!

  • Full access to all trainings and workshops
  • Full expertise on all topics
  • Live demonstrations and discussions
  • Unique insights into the industry
  • How-to's, do's and don't's from the best in the field
  • Q&A sessions
  • Networking
  • Free wi-fi
  • Coffee break and lunch catering
  • Parking near the venue

Make sure you register and get your preferred ticket now HERE!