ABRITES will participate at the Futurmotive expo in Bologna on 16-18 November, 2023.
The ABRITES team will be showcasing our latest developments in the following projects:
- AVDI - the ultimate automotive diagnostic tool for every professional in the field
- PROTAG V2 - second iteration of the ABRITES key and transponder programmer
- ABRITES RH850/V850 Programmer - the groundbreaking programmer for RH850 and V850 processors
- MODI - mobile diagnostic system
- VIN Reader - VIN and kilometre data reading OBD interface
ABRITES has always been on the front line of innovation and our mission aligns with the Futurmotive ideas - presenting the latest trends in the industry, aiming at sustainable business models and new technology, helping people move forward.
Our wide range of software and hardware complex solutions offer nearly 100 % coverage of all automotive brands on the market. From traditional internal combustion engines, through hybrids to all-electric vehicles - AVDI and the whole ecosystem of ABRITES products evolves alongside the latest trends in the business.
Come and visit the ABRITES stand at Futurmotive in Bologna 16-18 November for FREE!
Register now HERE!