Important notes
The Abrites software and hardware products are developed, designed and manufactured by Abrites Ltd. During the production process we comply to all safety and quality regulations and standards, aiming at highest production quality. The Abrites hardware and software products are designed to build a coherent ecosystem, which effectively solves a wide range of vehicle-related tasks.
The Mobile diagnostic interface (MODI) is providing access to car health check and hundreds of activations and custom options.
All software and hardware products by Abrites Ltd. are copyrighted. Permission is granted to copy Abrites software files for your own back-up purposes only. Should you wish to copy this manual or parts of it, you are granted permission only in case it is used with Abrites products, has “Abrites Ltd.” written on all copies, and is used for actions that comply to respective local law and regulations.
You, as a purchaser of Abrites hardware products, are entitled of a two-year warranty. If the hardware product you have purchased has been properly connected, and used according to its respective instructions, it should function correctly. In case the product does not function as expected, you are able to claim warranty within the stated terms. Abrites Ltd. is entitled to require evidence of the defect or malfunction, upon which the decision to repair or substitute the product shall be made.
There are certain conditions, upon which the warranty cannot be applied. The warranty shall not apply to damages and defects caused by natural disaster, misuse, improper use, unusual use, negligence, failure to observe the instructions for use issued by Abrites, modifications of the device, repair works performed by unauthorized persons. For example, when the damage of the hardware has occurred due to incompatible electricity supply, mechanical or water damage, as well as fire, flood or thunder storm, the warranty does not apply.
Each warranty claim is inspected individually by our team and the decision is based upon thorough case consideration.
Read the full hardware warranty terms on our website.
Abrites MODI User Manual
Copyright information
Safety information
The Abrites products are to be used by trained and experienced users in diagnostics and reprogramming of vehicles and equipment. The user is assumed to have a good understanding of vehicle electronic systems, as well as potential hazards while working around vehicles. There are numerous safety situations that cannot be foreseen, thus we recommend that the user read and follow all safety messages in the available manual, on all equipment they use, including vehicle manuals, as well as internal shop documents and operating procedures.
Some important points:
Block all wheels of the vehicle when testing. Be cautious when working around electricity.
In case any technical difficulties occur, please contact the
Abrites Support Team by email at
Abrites MODI User Manual
Abrites MODI User Manual
I. Introduction
As the world’s modern society moves forward, it is inevitable to try and look for more means to combine efficiency with comfort and practicality. It is because we at Abrites understand the problematics and necessities of this “fast-paced” reality, that we did our best to develop our new product in a way where results could be seen in the matter of seconds, requiring only a smart-phone or a tablet.
The Abrites Mobile Diagnostics Interface is a convenient, reliable and efficient hand-held device used together with Android or iOS based mobile devices, in order to provide you with the opportunity to run swift mobile diagnostics of your vehicle, so you can distinguish any fault codes in specific modules.
Another great feature that the Abrites MODI provides is that the device allows easy actuation of various components of the selected vehicle, as well as making queries concerning live data from different modules. Simultaneously with this, the Abrites Mobile Diagnostics Interface is also programmed to portray this live data graphically.
Abrites Mobile Diagnostics Interface looks like this:
Abrites MODI User Manual
II. Using the Abrites MODI
1. Installation
Once the MODI is received, you can download the Abrites MODI software, as well. It looks like this in the Google Play Store®, Apple App Store®, or App Gallery®:
After installing the Abrites MODI application software, it will appear in the list of installed applications of either the Android, iOS, or HarmonyOS based mobile device.
Abrites MODI User Manual
2. Setting your MODI Interface up
To begin working with the Mobile Diagnostics Interface, it will be necessary to first enable Bluetooth on the given Android, IOS, or HarmonyOS based mobile device. This can be done by going to the settings menu, then bluetooth, then enable. Once the bluetooth is enabled the MODI application can be opened and set up.
Once the software is opened , the following two options will be provided:
Abrites MODI User Manual
Once the MODI is connected to a power supply and the Bluetooth of the device used is ON, the MODI device which is going to be used could be selected. The Mobile Diagnostics Interface can now be used.
The next step is to select the brand which is going to be worked with, after that the MODI will start an automatic vehicle identification.
Abrites MODI User Manual
If you press and hold on a selected logo an additional window is going to appear, which will enable you to buy the full functions for the given brand
Once the vehicle is identified, the following screen with advanced diagnostic and coding options will be displayed:
Abrites MODI User Manual
III. Using Abrites MODI Device in a vehicle
From this point on, the MODI device is going to communicate via the bluetooth connection made with the mobile device.
After the Advanced Diagnostics option is selected, the Mobile Diagnostics Interface is going to run a diagnostic on the vehicle, providing information concerning the number of fault codes in the system. Additionally, the tool can also display information concerning the status of the modules in the vehicle. From there on, in order for the processed fault codes to be cleared, the “Clear all” button should be pressed. This button should be essentially found on the bottom of the mobile device display.
Abrites MODI User Manual
When a module is selected, the additional diagnostic functions will be dispalyed – trouble codes, actuators, live values, as well as the coding function with all available coding options in the selected module:
Abrites MODI User Manual
The four additional functions that could be used are the following:
For example, let’s say that the selected module is the Digital diesel electronics (DDE). This module should be pressed.
Following this step, this page will appear
*In order for this to be done, a given module from the ones that are listed after the scanning process is done should be selected.
Abrites MODI User Manual
After that the “Actuators” button on the display should be pressed and the opportunity to select from the available actuators test should be provided.
Abrites MODI User Manual
Let’s say that the Digital diesel electronics (DDE) is going to be used
Redirection to this given page is going to follow once again.
*In order for this to be done,ca module from the ones listed after the scanning process has been finished should be selected.
Abrites MODI User Manual
Following this the “Live Values” button on the display should be pressed.
Now the option to choose from the available parameters should follow.
In order to select a specific system, or systems, it will be necessary to press and it will be selected (the color of the selected system, or systems, will turn blue).
Therefore there is the provided option to choose “Query” and receive the live engine speed and engine oil temperature, together with additional data depending on the module that has been selected. Additionally if the “Graphics” button is pressed all of the live data is going to be illustrated on a graph.
Abrites MODI User Manual
*In order to do this, the “Trouble Codes” button on the display should be pressed. Following this the option of clearing the trouble codes in the selected module should be available, as well as to specifically see in which components are the given faults located.
Abrites MODI User Manual
Let’s say that the Car access system (CAS) is going to be used
Redirection to this given page is going to follow once again.
Abrites MODI User Manual
After that the “Coding” button on the display should be pressed and the opportunity to select from the available “fast coding” options should be provided.
Abrites MODI User Manual
MODI connection issues troubleshooting guide:
1. Plug the MODI device into the car or a power supply.
2. Make sure you are connected to the Internet
3. Make sure the bluetooth is NOT paired to a phone. ( Phone settings > Bluetooth )
4. Make sure the MODI application has access to all required permissions. (including location services — We use only bluetooth but according to regulations bluetooth usage is considered a location usage)
5. The blue indicator lamps should blink slowly ( E.g. one blink in a second ) - If the blue lamp is always on - that means it’s already connected to a phone and no other connection is possible at that time.
6. Close the application on all nearby phones. (Make sure MODI device blinks, as described in step 4)
IV. Troubleshooting
Abrites MODI User Manual
Common Advice:
Abrites Ltd. kindly asks you to make sure that you have familiarized yourself with the general guidelines related to installation, operation and maintenance of this device.
The following information is concerning safety when working with the device.
In order to avoid any unwanted damage (which could eventually lead to certain risk and even impossibility of the device to function), please keep in mind to follow the following restrictions:
About the product:
Side components:
Safety and Regulations